Manassas Heritage Railway Festival 2014

Rode out to Manassas Heritage Railway Festival this afternoon. It was a nice and sunny day. We were suppose to leave in the morning. But one of the guys had a nail in the rear tire. And one of the other guys had a dead battery. Tire got fixed and the dead battery was jumped. The guy with the dead battery ended up turning around and headed back home. The reason he went back home was when he stopped for gas his bike didn't want to start again. He had to jump it.

Here is the route. Again the GPS on my phone was acting up some. But you get the idea. I think I just dropped it one too many times. The screen is all cracked and missing some glass.

A few photos.

See more photos here

Why it is so much fun to upload photos to Google Plus.
You never know what kind of #autoawesome or #autoawesomefail you might get.
