Went over to the Isle of Man to catch some of the TT. https://www.iomtt.com
This has to be the worst trip of my life. It was still a fun trip. Yes I would do it again.
Some clips from the story below.
Tried to leave Thursday. After multiple flight delays. The connecting flight to Manchester was going to be missed. AA got us on a flight out of BWI the next day.
Friday drove up to BWI had a few delays. But the layover in Chicago was something like 6 hours.
Flying over the clouds listening to Hillsong Worship.
Landed in Chicago no issues on the flight. Had a few hours to kill walked around the airport. Getting some unique ingress hacks. https://www.ingress.com
Taxi to the hotel to wait on Joe. Joe is station in Germany and bring 5 mopeds to drive around the island. We leave the hotel to head to Heysham for the 2 am ferry.
Somewhere between Manchester to Haysham around midnight. The VW transporter oil light comes on. Add some oil the light goes out. drove a little further. The light comes on again. This time oil is flowing onto the ground. Limped to a hotel about 2 miles away. The front desk says we have no rooms. Catch a taxi back to the Airport inn back in Manchester. Left all the luggage on the VW. They gave us the keys to the room back that we had earlier as if we didn't check out.
Joe rents a truck. We head to the hotel where we left the luggage to switch it into the new truck. But can't take the mopeds. Get to the Heysham and missed the ferry loading by 30 mins. Was told to head to Liverpool to catch the afternoon ferry to the island. Drove to Liverpool walk around a little and get lunch. Some more unique ingress hacks.
Set up the tent for me. We leave and come back to this.
Driving through the back roads.

Part of the TT mountain road course.
The wind took down the tent again. So I just left it this way for the night.
Grand stand area.
This was a real running engine that is now converted to a beer dispenser. Yes all fluids were drained and the engine was cleaned.
Sulby straight bikes passing 150+. The next day a new record was set 197 MPH at Sulby straight.
Back to campsite and well the tent poles have snapped and now sticking through. So took the polls inside. This worked till early morning. 1 poll left standing. the one next to me sleeping. The 3 in the back laughing.
Old airport now a track.
There was a mixup on the day we where leaving so back to Liverpool a day early.
Leaving Manchester and flying home. No issues no delays.
This has to be the worst trip of my life. It was still a fun trip. Yes I would do it again.
Some clips from the story below.
Tried to leave Thursday. After multiple flight delays. The connecting flight to Manchester was going to be missed. AA got us on a flight out of BWI the next day.
Got something to eat then went and waited for the flight to Manchester. The flight was leaving at 10:30. An announcement was made that the flight will be leaving at 8:50 and the new gate is A something. Nice leaving earlier and only 1 gate over. We are told this is not the plane that was suppose to take us over. This was a backup plane cause the other plane was stuck in Orlando. Delay 1 then another delay. An announcement "The main door is having issue opening and closing. We are working to fix it." We board about an hour later. The plane backs and starts to taxi down. We stop. Announcement "This is your captain. We had a fuel pump burst and we will have that fixed in about 30 minutes. Then we will be on our way." It was about 45 mins. Take off at 10:30 PM and land in Manchester England.

Get to the ferry and get on the standby list. There was room for us.
Get to the campsite at 2 am. Get a few of the tents up. The sun rise is 4 something am. I was forget setting mine up. I'll just inflated my sleeping pad and sleep under the stars. It got windy and cold. Woke up to the the wind blowing the blue tarp that Joe had across the campsite. Grabbed it and used some of the bags to hold down the corners and slept under it.
Set up the tent for me. We leave and come back to this.
Campsite is just behind The Raven pub. Photos below.
Driving through the back roads.
The wind took down the tent again. So I just left it this way for the night.
Grand stand area.
This was a real running engine that is now converted to a beer dispenser. Yes all fluids were drained and the engine was cleaned.
Sulby straight bikes passing 150+. The next day a new record was set 197 MPH at Sulby straight.
Back to campsite and well the tent poles have snapped and now sticking through. So took the polls inside. This worked till early morning. 1 poll left standing. the one next to me sleeping. The 3 in the back laughing.
Isle of Man Motor Museum
Old airport now a track.
The smaller camper was enmity all week. My tent was destroyed so I went to sleep under the awning. It rained. The awning wasn't water resistant. Woke up sometime during the night getting rained on. So I moved under the larger camper awning. The owner of the large camper was cool about it. We hung out with them on and off all week. They had these cool monkey bikes.
There was a mixup on the day we where leaving so back to Liverpool a day early.
Joe's VW is a whole other story in it's self. To make a long story short. Joe got it towed to this shop in Manchester. We drove over to meet them. The shop is normal closed on Saturdays. They opened so he can make it back to Germany. While they worked on the VW. We found this car show that was close by.
Leaving Manchester and flying home. No issues no delays.
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